
Artist, painter, sculptor

Charles Stratos

Enthusiastic about life, Stratos seeks contact, discussion and personal expression. This is Stratos: always more, in search of the difficult, the permanent challenge, the aestheticism of the fit. He creates space, sculpts it to occupy it better, gives it power and volume and thereby materializes this tension, a source of vitality that generates energy. Stratos models feverishly, abandoning the mass effect so seductive for the viewer, once again choosing difficulty to end up with purity.

Marseille Provence 2013

In 2013, as part of “Marseille-Provence” European capital of culture, the Stratos “The Art of Happiness” exhibition was installed in an enclosed space and in total darkness with a polychrome luminous scenography and programmed with 12 large sculptures. A great moment that attracted a large audience. Since then, event tours of monumental pieces have been organized in many cities. This year, Perros-Guirec is welcoming the world of Stratos for a stainless route … according to his art, which is easily identifiable and marked by the aura of great poetic tenderness.

Jean-Louis Avri

STRATOS event in the cities of France

Fichier 31-03-2017 15 58 41
Capture d’écran 2021-04-20 à 11.25.25

Over the seasons, the monumental sculptures of Stratos are scattered, most often in squads of a dozen works that animate the seafronts, as in Nice, in Saint-Raphaël us ur the port of the basin of Arcachon, Agen, Moissac, they invest the heart of the cities …

NOS AMOURS ville Moissac


Nice Promenade des Anglais 14 Juillet 2016
expo Saint-Raphaël

When winter comes, we find them on the slopes at Praz-sur-Arly or stopover in Bonneville … Always somewhere we have the pleasure of a meeting of love, tenderness and poetry in the harmony of the little world of Stratos. J-L.A.

Exhibition facing the Roman arcades of the Pont du Gard (2016-2017)
King’s Grau event (2015)